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Month: August 2024

Large garage with insulation

What Type of Insulation is Best for a Garage Door?

Picking the right insulation material for your garage door is key to making it a usable space all year. There are lots of materials that claim to keep your garage warm and cut energy costs. Knowing which insulation works best for your door is the

roll of insulation- Star Spray Foam

Best Types of Roof Insulation

The right roof insulation is like finding your way through a maze where every turn presents another alternative. Not many roof insulation materials are created equal, and the best option for your home depends on various factors — from climate to

Roll or batt Insulation

Which is Better, Roll or Batt Insulation?

When insulating your home, choosing the right type can affect your comfort and energy costs. Roll and batt insulation each have their pros and cons, depending on your space and installation needs.  Understanding these differences can help