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Best insulation for cinder blocks

What Is the Best Insulation for Cinder Blocks?

Cinder blocks are a common choice in construction because they are strong and cost-effective. However, they allow heat and cold to pass through easily, making insulation necessary for better energy efficiency. Maintaining an air gap is crucial to

crawl space moisture control

Your Guide on How Do You Keep Moisture Out of a Dirt Crawl Space

Moisture in a dirt crawl space can cause various crawl space issues such as structural damage, mold growth, and poor indoor air quality. It can also reduce energy efficiency by allowing damp air to circulate, making it harder to heat and cool your


Is There a Spray Foam that Rats Won’t Eat?

Yes, closed-cell spray foam. There’s a good reason why closed-cell spray foam is less appetizing to rats. Moreover, it doesn’t give them any nutritional value. Closed-cell foam doesn’t provide rodents with a warm nesting environment as